20% storewide sale until Oct 31, plus free shipping -- US & Canada

20% storewide sale until Oct 31, plus free shipping -- US & Canada

Fine art photography for those who love the sea

Fine art photography for those who love the sea

Bring the peaceful feeling the sea evokes into your home.

-- Morgan Jane Miller

Bring the peaceful feeling the sea evokes into your home.

-- Morgan Jane Miller

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“Morgan Jane Miller create resplendent photographs of the sea. They immediately embrace us with an ethereal, mystical quality that speaks to our soul. She satiates our deep longing to feel a peaceful and harmonious unity with the universal consciousness and its omnipresent splendor.”(excerpt)

Art Review written by
Renee Phillips, Director and Curator, Manhattan Arts International and the Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, New York, NY

Full review

“Morgan Jane Miller create resplendent photographs of the sea. They immediately embrace us with an ethereal, mystical quality that speaks to our soul. She satiates our deep longing to feel a peaceful and harmonious unity with the universal consciousness and its omnipresent splendor.”(excerpt)

Art Review written by
Renee Phillips, Director and Curator, Manhattan Arts International and the Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, New York, NY

Full review

Follow us @morganjanemiller

All prints at 20% off until October 31st! Morganjanemiller.com
I live this quote! It speaks to me.
Well I can now take pictures but can’t edit. I am having the doctor who did my surgery give me a prescription so I can work at the computer again. Unfortunately that is not until Oct 21 and then it will be the time it takes to get the new specks. So I will be missing in action until November. The problem now is I can see 20/20 (great for taking pictures) but not close up and I am still having a slight bit of double vision. It’s disappointing. I need prescription reading glasses so while the cataracts are gone, I still need glasses🤓Darn it!
I have not been around much lately because of some eye surgery. I can see again! I knew my eyes were giving me problems but I did not realize how bad they had gotten. Now I just have to get used to reading glasses. But I have 20/20 vision now and I don’t think I ever have seen so clearly in the distance before. It’s amazing! During the two months, I have not been able to work on my computer which has been a big problem. I also tripped and did something to my neck so photographing has also been difficult. Waiting now on a scan for that. In the meantime I can start editing some work I managed over the last couple months. Here is a sunrise over Rose Bay. The light was incredible.
I am so thrilled with this review by Renee Phillips! I feel humbled and proud. #downtothesea
I can imagine showering here and gazing at the new dawn. A great way to start the day. #downtothesea
A fire and a seascape are both beautiful and meditative at the same time. The ocean, a driftwood fire are my favourite things. #downtothesea
Pale and soothing, nothing required, just be… #downtothesea
We are off for a bit to be by the sea. The last time we went it was very cold. This time it’s warm so I will be able to get my feet in the water without freezing them off. Stay tuned for what I find there! #downtothesea
Turquoise skies. Beachy and calming and perfect for waking up to. #downtothesea #turquoiseskies
This is one of my favourite images. I love how this image blends with the sand coloured furniture. It makes for such a calm. It suits this room and makes it a sanctuary. I am going back to this beach this weekend and am so looking forward to seeing it again. It’s amazing how the same place changes from day to day, hour by hour. Every time I go to the ocean and smell that scent that I only smell there and I am transformed back to that day dreaming 13 year old when I first saw the ocean. It’s bliss. It’s odd because the Atlantic Ocean has a scent totally unlike the Pacific. I have spent a lot of time on both. But home to me is always the Atlantic. #downtothesea
The coming storm, sun struggling to beak through the clouds. Just enough time to set up this shot before it rained, I was so happy I stopped for it … #downtothesea
Early morning vibes. All is right in my world. Peace, anticipation, a sunny morning, a cup of tea. Bliss! #downtothesea #thismorning
It was twilight on the peninsula. We were headed back home for the day and this was a last shot. #downtothesea
We have a family of 8 foxes under my studio. I was really happy about it at first because, well they are so cute. Unfortunately they are chewing on the base boards and now have about four burrow holes. Plus my studio is starting to smell really bad. I guess we are going to have to have some wild life people to remove them to a wilder area. Our house is in the town but on the edge next to farms. But we haven’t seen any squirrels lately and the pheasants I hope have moved to a safer local…I hope because all we have been seeing lately are foxes. They play in our backyard quite close to the house and don’t seem at all worried about us. I was printing yesterday in the studio and we could hear them bumping around under our floor. #livinginthecountry❤️
Here are my words that I live by…to bring about beauty, simplicity, order, grace…and whimsy. I get all of that when I make a photo of the sea. #downtothesea
The last vestiges of the sun. It feels serene - the day is completing itself and I am at peace. #downtothesea
When I am happy, I go to the sea. When I am sad, I go to the Sea. When I have a worry or a problem, or feel unwell, I go to the sea. When I want to be inspired, when I want to hear my inner soul, I go to the sea. And every time I return home refreshed, renewed and whole. #downtothesea
early morning light - so good for the soul...#downtothesea
Morning light. There is nothing like a long walk on smooth sand in bare feet to put everything right. #downtothesea
